Beware of Mobile Text and Phone Call Scams

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Your financial security is more crucial than ever. At cPort, we’re dedicated to safeguarding your valuable information. We not only identify threats but also equip you with the knowledge and tools to stay protected. Rising Threats Recently, we’ve seen a surge in mobile text and phone call scams. Scammers pose as financial institutions, claiming you…

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The Importance of Good Credit

Why a credit score is important

A strong credit score is more than just a number. It’s a fundamental element of your financial health, provides access to affordable lending, and an indicator of financial responsibility. Establishing and maintaining good credit scores can open up numerous opportunities in your financial life. What is a Credit Score? Your credit score is a three-digit…

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How To Prepare For Tax Season


In the U.S., filing an annual tax return and paying income tax by April 15 each year is required. Collecting documents well ahead of time and storing them in a secure place is a good idea. Here is a list of what is needed to help prepare for tax season.  Tax Documents  January is when…

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Four Ways To Buy A Car

Car Buying Options

After preapproval for an auto loan, it’s time to go out and buy a car. Where’s the best place to find new wheels? In this article, we’ll review the top four places people buy cars and the pros and cons of each. Car dealership  At a dealership, car shoppers can see available vehicles in person.…

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Some Helpful Tips for Tax Season

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The IRS has extended the tax deadline for individuals from April 15 to May 17, but that does not mean you should procrastinate when it comes to gathering necessary documents for filing your taxes. Here are a few key pointers to remember when it comes to being prepared and organized with your tax documents. The…

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Ready to Pop the Question?

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What is that we hear? Did you know March 20 is National Proposal Day? It’s also the first day of spring! Sounds like the smell of flowers is not the only thing in the air. Is the only thing holding you back from popping the question your financial situation? A cPort wedding loan can help…

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Start the New Year by Implementing Effective Money Habits

Blog Post Image Effective Money Habits

We know, you hear it at the start of every year. Practice good money habits to help build a successful future, but, its true! If you start the year off with a plan for your finances, you are more likely to see positive end results. 1.Create a budgetDeveloping a budget for the year or on…

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