Family Loans at cPort Credit Union
If you are like us, your family means the world to you. Whether it's a newborn baby, a trip you've been looking forward to or a pet that needs an unexpected operation, sometimes you need to care for a family member, but there just isn't enough in the budget. At times like these, people reach for a credit card without realizing they can save money by setting up a loan. Before you incur credit card debt (with rates that might change and interest that just keeps building) consider a cPort Family Loan to help you. The cPort Family Loan has a fixed rate and you'll be able to find the right fit for your budget. We'll help you and make it a stress-free process. Your family is worth it!
Furry Family
Let's face it, your dog and cat are members of the family. If they need something outside your budget, don't put it off. Borrow responsibly, fitting it into your existing budget in a way that makes sense for you. A cPort Family Loan can help.
- Pet Adoption
- Surgery Costs
- Obedience Class
Growing Family
Some things just aren't covered by health insurance, but make all the difference to a growing family. A cPort Family Loan can help you build a bridge to your family's future.
- First Nursery
- Adoption Costs
- Fertility Treatments
Adventure Family
Your family wants to hike the Grand Canyon and it's the last summer before your oldest heads off to college. A cPort Family Loan can make the dream happen, all while fitting carefully into your budget in a way that makes sense for you.
- Treehouse
- Camping Trip
- Bike Rack
Senior Family
As we get older, we experience all kinds of milestones. Maybe you want to celebrate a golden anniversary, or you'd like to move out of state to be closer to your children. A cPort family loan can allow you to do this, all while planning carefully along with your retirement needs.
- Medical Debt
- Relocating
- 50th Anniversary
Ready to Apply?
Members can apply for a loan right in eBanking from any device!

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One of our awesome Member Service Representatives (we call them MSRs) will be in touch within the next business day!